Stm32 sd card spi example. STM32 FatFS + SD Card Example via SPI interface.

Stm32 sd card spi example I use I2S to sen Aug 19, 2024 · Unfortunately, in both SPI and SDMMC methods, I was not able to initialize my SD card and the application keep on waiting for SPI Rx data in SPI mode, and in SDMMC method, the application keeps on waiting in a HAL_Delay() in HAL_SD_initcard() API Jun 18, 2016 · I am programming the STM32F0 (Keil uVision 5). h Changed 4 to SS const int chipSelect = SS; SPI 1 Settings MISO is:26 PA6 is:26 MOSI is:27 PA7 is:27 SCK is:25 PA5 is:25 SS is:24 PA4 is:24 SPI 2 Settings SPI2 MISO/PB14 is:14 SPI2 MOSI/PB15 is:13 SPI2 SCK/PB13 is:15 SPI2 CSS/PB12 is:16 Initializing SD cardWiring is correct and a card is present. This is a complete working example (at time of publication) of creating the worlds slowest SD card reader. In this example project, our ultimate goal is to test the STM32 SDIO interface with an SD Card and also test the functionalities provided by the FatFS library and use it to create a text file, write to it, read the file, modify the existing file, and delete the file. The SPI Flash has a smaller capacity but is small, fast, and has very low power consumption. STM32Cube_FW_F1_Vx. Sep 3, 2015 · The examples, and I've posted a lot of them here, for the STM32F4-DISCO use SDIO because SPI is just a ridiculously slow way of connecting, and why you really don't see a lot of examples of it being used. Configure FatFs as SD Card mode in “MiddleWare” Aug 2, 2021 · STM32 Blue Pill for beginnersCode and diagram are at https://www. i am use the SPI protocol for the same. Aug 9, 2020 · Minimum example project showing how to interface SD card over SPI for the STM32L452RE microcontroller. It supports SPI or SDIO communication. The examples include a socket wire-wrapped onto an STM32F4-DISCO, and using an STM32F4-DIS-BB breakout board. I am trying to write or copy the files both USB disk and/or SD card. stm32f407 uart and sd card. But then when I look at sd_cmd_spi() in his sd_card. So the process to get an sd card working is this: Generate fatfs files with cubemx. txt」というファイルがあり,画像のような文字が出力されているはずです. おわりに. Any help would be highly appreciated in this case ? Thanks, Parth Modi Nov 13, 2024 · STM32 SD Card Interfacing with Example Using SPI: STM32 Ethernet Example – HTTP Server Part 1: STM32 Ethernet using CGI – HTTP Server Part 2: STM32 DMA – Part 1 (Memory to Memory Transfer) STM32 UART DMA – Part 2 (Peripheral to Memory Transfer) STM32 USB Host MSC – Connect Pendrive to STM32 Nov 13, 2024 · Connect the GND pin of the SD card module to the GND pin of the STM32 board. Interface SD CARD with SDIO in STM32. Aug 9, 2020 · If you’re interfacing with an SD card using the SDIO peripheral, it’s pretty easy and the tooling does most of it for you. The reason why I want to access Sd card via SPI is that the breakout module that I have has an SPI interface. Please advice. If you are using a breakout board STM32 SDMMC (4-Bit Mode) FatFS Example Project. Hi, I am looking to have sd card interfaced with SPI using FATFS library, I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to do it but without any success. e. FatFs configuration; FatFs is an open-source file system middleware. Feb 16, 2021 · I am trying to access my SD card using SPI, I tried the code below but I couldn't get it work. Didn't notice it had an SD card slot? We hid it on the underside. If you use an SPI SD card slot then simply use the Arduino SD library. The code talks to the SD Card. Open the FASTFS settings and change the settings as shown below. I can write and read files on the SD correctly. So, please share the example code for SD card interface with stm32f4 discovery using SPI protocol. 27. This post is STM32 Firmware Update using SD card – Bootloader Tutorial Part 7. Điểm khác nhau lớn nhất của 2 loại card này là về tính năng bảo mật dữ liệu và tốc độ giao tiếp. In this tutorial we will interface a SD card with stm32 micro controller using SPI mode. You can check that out HERE. PA5 SCK. Here, data is transmitted by the master device and received by the slave. Jun 14, 2021 · sdカードをpcに接続し,中身を見てみましょう. sdカード内に「stm32. PA4 CS. Sep 19, 2021 · Giới thiệu chuẩn giao tiếp SPI 1. SD Card support via SPI Example devicetree fragment below shows how to add SD card node to spi1 interface. I'm on spi2 and I have change pin mapping in SD. Apr 22, 2017 · On STM32 (with spi HAL library) when reading from the SD Card a 0xFF has to be sent (MOSI has to be HIGH for every bit) and so i had to use the HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive() function to send a 0xFF while receiving. Contribute to afiskon/stm32-fatfs-examples development by creating an account on GitHub. ly/STM32CubeIDE-ythttps://bit. Dec 5, 2022 · I have seen a few examples and the closest is this STM32 USB MSC (Mass Storage Class) » ControllersTech but the example used SDIO mode and I am using SPI mode with FATfs to write content to SD card (based on this SD card using SPI in STM32 » ControllersTech). I am using STM32F103C8 controller and SD card size is 1 GB. SD card xuất hiện sau MMC card nên SD có nhiều tính năng và tốc độ cao hơn MMC. I haven't pinned it down yet, but it has to do with the dma, because when I use normal spi mode, it will do a basic read write. If you’re working with other kinds of configurations, e. But the issue is in the programming part, every tutorial I find skips basics. Please check readme. I am writing data when sensor interrupts occur, and that happens at 408 Hz, so I have around 2 ms to write data. In this simple STM32 MikroC bootloader example, we will be using the concepts which have been explained already in the below-given tutorials. May 9, 2020 · See this example, or similar one for the unspecified STM32 being used in each case. f_puts("This is an example text to check SD Card Module with STM32 Blue Pill\n", &fil); After writing to the file, we close the open file using the function f_close(). SPI uses 3 main wires. Copy BSP package in from the adafruit sd shield example. Hi mihai, I am in the same situation. c: this file provides a medium layer access to the STM32 embedded Flash memory driver. I wasn't able to make use of the filex option for file operation which is provided in the STM32u5A9 libraries, since I am using FreeRTOS in my project (as per notes, Filex cannot be used with FreeRTOS). I've writen every initialization functions and the project is compiling without any FreeRTOS & FatFs in Stm32 controlling SPI-connected MMC/SD memory card Self-promotion I glad to share with community an new example of a STM32CubeIDE-generated system with FreeRTOS multitask features and FatFs File System for controlling an SPI-connected MMC/SD memory card . Feb 20, 2018 · Kindly help me to find out the example code for read/write the SD card via SPI. c I can see 6 calls to sd_spi_write() sending one byte, then a loop that calls sd_spi_write() until the single response byte is returned. 5V VCC. Because more slaves can be connected to one Sep 27, 2020 · Sacha wrote: Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:52 pm Effectively, I made a mistake with the SD library from Adruino But SD card and STM32 seems to doesn't work propely. c Buttons & LEDs Keypad 4x4 Analog Joystick SD Card: SPI SD Card: SDIO SD Card: SDIO + DMA SD Card: SDMMC Buzzer (Active & Passive) STM32 Useful Guides STM32 Blue Pill Pinout STM32 Proteus Simulation STM32 Button Debouncing STM32 Boot Modes GPIO Registers Programming STM32 FPU Unit Enable Touch Sensing Without TSC In this video we will be interfacing a SD-card with SPI peripheral (rather than the SDIO used in the previous video) Complete list of our STM32 Tutorial videos here: STM32 Tutorial Videos Jun 19, 2022 · Nhìn chung MMC và SD giống nhau về mặt cấu trúc vật lý và phương thức giao tiếp. Jan 19, 2018 · eziya/STM32_SPI_SDCARD. Remember to put it in the file mount_sd. Sometimes the system boots and no card is present. It works but The Output Sound is while playing 2 files slower and doesn´t sound good. MicroSD Card reader. Jun 27, 2019 · To facilitate the connection of the SD-Card I used a uSD extension so I can not use the "card dettect" pin. • memory_card. Jan 17, 2017 · I am interface a SD card with STM32f4 discovery board. Can anyone with experience combine the FATfs SPI SD card with USB MSC to give me a Oct 2, 2022 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright STM32 SDIO SD Card FatFS Example Project. So when I do f_mount I check if the answer is "FR_OK". STM32でHAL Driverをつかって、SPIのslaveモードでDMA受信 - okiami1983のブログ. To mount the SD card, use the following code. This project is setup and tested in the System Workbench for STM32. On an Arduino I got it to work (using SPI). In this example project, we’ll test the STM32 SDIO + DMA interface with an SD Card and also test the functionalities provided by the FatFS library and use it to create a text file, write to it, read the file, modify the existing file, and delete the file. Nov 25, 2016 · I am trying to initialize SDCard using SPI on STM32F303 when I sent CMD0 command which is (0x40 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x95) and I tried to have a look of the signal that is coming from MOSI on the May 16, 2018 · You can access to your SD card using SPI interface and enabling FatFs (user-defined within CubeMX). So today in this post, we are going to learn how to use SPI with STM32. You can also try this method with other STM32 boards. After that the other cards worked without problem. STM32 FatFS + SD Card Example via SPI interface. ly/FatFSinfoIn this video we will explain you how to crea Feb 14, 2019 · I have written many posts about interfacing I2C devices with STM32 but there are some devices which require only SPI to work i. Purchase the Products shown in this video from :: https://controllerstech. Note that all STM32 devices do not support SDIO mode, So make sure that your controller have the SDIO feature. This project assumes you have already installed STM32CubeIDE. The user can choose to either go to the user application or to execute the IAP for reprogramming purposes by pressing a tamper-button connected to a pin: Nov 14, 2024 · Hello, I have been trying to read/write into an SD card using the SPI or SDMMC method with Fatfs. It's using SPI. Mar 10, 2018 · STM32でSPI通信をやってみる1(ポーリングでマイコン同士で通信編) - ガレスタさんのDIY日記. is there any official tutorial about SD card of NUCLEO-L476RG? SD CARD Info: 32GB, SDHC, FAT format Jan 24, 2021 · Among the information and example applications on the Internet, I realized that despite the existence of internal pull-up resistors in STM32, it is worth using external pull-ups and placing them as close to the Microsd socket as possible due to the potential interference with long paths between the microsd card and the microcontroller. I used the Arduino SD-Example as written in the Arduino forum and also here but it dont work. SPI protocol works in a ways where there is one master and multiple slaves, In other words, master is our STM32F429 Discovery board and let’s say, SD card is slave. Enable “SD mode” in “SDMMC1” in “Connectivity” and enable the global interrupt . md for setup instruction. SD card over SPI, it’s actually still pretty easy - you just need the appropriate driver! Feb 4, 2025 · In this article, we are going to Interface the SD card with STM32 (STM32 SD Card) using SPI communication. 2. I've tried to use FatFs library to manage a file system (SD card). Connect the MOSI (Master Out Slave In) pin of the SD card module to the PB5 of the STM32 board. Dec 5, 2023 · I need to write firmware for STM32H7xx to interact with an SPI flash memory chip. 14. I e Here we are waiting for the TXE bit to set before sending the data ; To send the data, we have to copy it in the DR (Data Register); After all the data has been transmitted, we will wait for the busy flag to reset I´m trying to read 2 Files with FATFS from my SD via SDIO and mix the 16 bit PCM audio data. Library also supports USB communication, but for that purpose you need USB stack too. Jul 31, 2020 · The Feather STM32F405 Express uses SDIO to connect its built in micro SD card slot. Jun 18, 2019 · I can access the SD Card with the FATFS library through both SPI and SDIO. Sep 1, 2017 · Below, is the SD card reader I would like to use. After that I wait to introduce the uSD and try "f_mount" again. Jul 10, 2014 · Finally I got it working properly. It covers using w5500 and enc28j60 for network connectivity and SD cards and SPI Flash for storage. This setup enables efficient network communication and storage, allowing the STM32 to handle file transfers and manage data effectively in embedded systems. The user can choose to either go to the user application or to execute the IAP for reprogramming purposes by pressing a tamper-button connected to a pin: The SDMMC subsystem interacts with the sd host controller api to communicate with attached SD cards. Feb 4, 2025 · STM32 SD Card Interfacing with Example Using SPI: STM32 Ethernet Example – HTTP Server Part 1: STM32 Ethernet using CGI – HTTP Server Part 2: STM32 DMA – Part 1 (Memory to Memory Transfer) STM32 UART DMA – Part 2 (Peripheral to Memory Transfer) STM32 USB Host MSC – Connect Pendrive to STM32. SPI/I2C シリアル通信: Crescent. Nov 4, 2016 · The time has come that I finally need to look into getting SD cards to work with the stm32. Reading SDcard was very awesome for me for first time, so I decided to make a library for STM32F4xx devices and post it to my website. You can watch the tutorial and just replace the files with the ones from this repository and change the interrupt handler file accordingly Feb 4, 2025 · This article is a continuation of the Series on STM32 Bootloader and carries the discussion on Bootloader design and implementation. w STM32: examples of usage of FatFs library. 0\Projects\NUCLEO-L496ZG\Examples\SPI\SPI_FullDuplex_ComDMA. Sep 24, 2020 · Well, it sounds consistent with me not having something setup correctly with the SPI so it's getting no communication. USB D+ will need a pullup. g. This project is a fork of a ControllersTech tutorial linked here, modified to use DMA for SPI transmission and reception with an SD card. Hope it helps. The project was initially created in CubeMX, and then code written by ChaN was ported to the CubeMX HAL. Oct 9, 2016 · Posted on October 09, 2016 at 06:06. A quick way to hook up a SD card to a STM32 is to use one of those SD to Micro-SD adaptors that come with most Micro-SD's when you buy them. txt trong thẻ nhớ - Đọc ghi file . I guess some cards can live without it. I already covered How to use SD card in STM32 using SPI. 0\Drivers\BSP\Adafruit_Shield\stm32_adafruit_sd. For both several example are provided. c STM32 SD Card Interfacing with Example Using SPI: STM32 Ethernet Example – HTTP Server Part 1: STM32 Ethernet using CGI – HTTP Server Part 2: STM32 DMA – Part 1 (Memory to Memory Transfer) STM32 UART DMA – Part 2 (Peripheral to Memory Transfer) STM32 USB Host MSC – Connect Pendrive to STM32 Mar 28, 2020 · Code: Select all SD Example Program Cardinfo uses SD. I am using SPI at max frequency to communicate with SD card reader, I am using micro SD card reader module for mounting SD card. This is a System Workbench for STM32 project (Stdlib). Polled SPI based SD card example. Looking online there seems to be a few really great resources for connecting to a SD card over spi from a smaller lower power however I could not find any guides for the STM32 line of chips. c: this file implements SD card initialization. For more details about SPI & FATFS configuration to connect your SD card, Please refer to the following discussion: Apr 3, 2015 · Let’s say something about SPI. When I activate the USB, Windows correctly recognizes the device (enumeration and descriptors) but does not see any information about the me. USB is Feb 8, 2024 · Im confused how the f_write function works. Also we will do some basic file handling operations such as creating a file, writing, reading, deleting etc. I have formatted my micro sd card but the received output (using f_getfree function and Uart), claims that my free space is 0. SD Card with SPI2 works fine but now I have to implement FatFs. beging and Sd2PinMap. (STM32 master, 8-bit, full-duplex polling, no CRC and application controlled #CS. Library for SD card spi connection for STM32 & HAL/CubeIDE. FAT32 formatted SD Card. Mar 11, 2015 · SPI SSD1306 and I2C MPU6050 on stm32f103c8t6 in STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools 2024-10-25; Read/Write into SD card using FatFs in STM32u5A9 in STM32 MCUs Embedded software 2024-08-18; I2C3 Slave need to re-power to work in STM32 MCUs Products 2024-08-11; TouchGFX 4. py on CIRCUITPY so you can easily call it from code. With detailed setup instructions and coding examples, it enables secure email Apr 21, 2023 · Prerequisites. PA7 MOSI. SD Card with Blue Pill using STM32CubeIDE Prerequisites. STM32CubeMXとSystem Workbench for STM32でFatFsを使うプログラム – 工房 Mar 29, 2024 · This guide demonstrates how to send emails with attachments from STM32 microcontrollers using SSL encryption, like Gmail. Connect the CS (Chip Select) pin of the SD card module to the PF10 of the STM32 board. ly/32F746GDISCOVERYhttps://bit. Contribute to MichalKs/STM32F4_SD development by creating an account on GitHub. com SD Card Pinout. Sep 24, 2021 · SDMMC is a peripheral that can be used to interface to a SD card. py or the REPL with import mount_sd. You’ll learn how to use SD Cards with STM32 microcontrollers using the SPI interface module. Although STM32CubeMX generally does a good job in simplifying most of the hazzle with setting up STM32 microcontrollers for interfacing various types software and hardware, when it comes to interfacing SD-cards, it requires quite a lot of work. I never read SD card out of windows, I found Pins links and started to read about SPI which could be a suitable solution for our prject (I think). PA6 MISO. the needed explanation to use this library is concluded as comment on source code. . STM32_SPI_SDCARD - STM32 FatFS + SD Card Example via SPI interface. The aim of this series is to provide easy and practical examples that anyone can understand. Share Improve this answer Example for writing/reading data from an SD card using the SPI bus of an STM32F103, based on the library of TILZ0R for the STM32F4xx. Keil or IAR Jul 21, 2022 · I understand this and since I can’t see the “manual” implementation in Carl’s code I assume it must be the “automatic” implementation. Jan 18, 2021 · This is my first use of a 32F103 and anything works perfect, multiplexing encoders and potentiometers i connected a LCD Display but i can not get the SD-Card reader board with SPI Interface to work. Aug 3, 2022 · I'm trying to work with the micro sd card module and stm32 with spi. Jan 23, 2015 · Posted on June 30, 2015 at 11:19. Maybe this example with STM32CubeF4 MCU package may help you: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1. Today in this tutorial, we will interface the SD CARD using SDIO in STM32. communication to sdcard is spi connection and we have one gpio output for detecting if sdcard is inserted or not. It’s basically just communication interface between STM32F4 and FatFS library by Chan. SPI (or Serial Peripheral Interface) is a protocol named by Motorola. If that's the case, it makes sense it would have the same response whether the SD card is in or out, it's not seeing anything. I made one Oct 24, 2022 · Protocol. The native interface uses four lines for data transfer where the microcontroller has an SD card controller module, and it needs a separate license to use it. micropeta. Example uses pin PA27 for chip select, and runs the SPI bus at 24 MHz once the SD card has been initialized: Jul 18, 2024 · Implementing an FTP server on an STM32 involves integrating the W5500 Ethernet module, ENC28J60 Ethernet controller, SD Card, and SPI Flash. However, I want to test it on a STM32F103C8T6, and later use it in STM32F407VET6. This uses the STM32F103X8Tx as found on the "Blue Pill" boards. 0 and used the device configuration tool to produce my SPI1 configuration code using LL library calls. y. Connect the SCK (Serial Clock) pin of the SD card module to the PB3 of the STM32 board. I use the IAR IDE for the development. Dec 14, 2018 · Bài viết này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cách để: - Giao tiếp với thẻ nhớ micro SD qua giao tiếp SPI (cụ thể là SPI1) - Sử dụng bộ thư viện FATFS để tạo ra file . Select the USE_LFN entry to modify it to support long file names, and modify the MSS value to 4096. STM32F4-Discovery board with STM32F407VG. Mar 14, 2024 · I am using nucleo-f401re board for my project and I want to write sensor data to SD card. STM32F103 sdcard implementation with spi access. Contribute to dundar98/stm32f407-uart-spi-sdcard development by creating an account on GitHub. Write a spi driver, and tie it into the BSP Nov 21, 2022 · We already had explained how to manage SD (you can look at SD management on “How to use SD card with stm32 and SdFat library“), and now we’d like to look at alternative storage like external SPI Flash, similar to the EEPROM but with the biggest size. The "File object structure" (FIL) has an element called buf which I currently have set to a size of 4092. May 2, 2023 · Ok so it was a driver problem. We’ll create some STM32 SD Card Example Test Projects to verify what we’ll be learning in this tutorial. • stm32xxxx_flash_if. USB is May 26, 2023 · Here we are writing the string “This is an example text to check SD Card Module with STM32 Blue Pill” to the file. Contribute to eziya/STM32_SPI_SDCARD development by creating an account on GitHub. Apr 12, 2024 · In this example, the objective is to set up communication between two NUCLEO-L476RG boards through SPI. The pinout of a SD card and a MicroSD-card are as follows: It is important to notice that all SD-cards can be interfaced in two different ways: SDIO; SPI; DIY SD card Adaptor. During the f_write function there are single and multiple block write functions which is when the data is actually written to the SD card. Now open the SPI item and set the Baud Rate value. h. This project is designed as an example of a STM32CubeMX-generated system with FatFs middleware controlling an SPI-connected MMC/SD memory card. Author: Nizar Mohideen, Category: SD, STM32, Card. 1SPI là gì STM32 Micro SD Card. GND GND. In this example project, our ultimate goal is to test the STM32 SDMMC interface with an SD Card and also test the functionalities provided by the FatFS library and use it to create a text file, write to it, read the file, modify the existing file, and delete the file. SD card reader, TFT display etc. z\Drivers\BSP\Adafruit_Shield\stm32_adafruit_sd. this repository contains hardware driver level file, Board Support Packages, Middleware and application layer test api. Oct 25, 2018 · On the Configuration tab, select the FASFS item from the Middleware item and add it. Sep 13, 2022 · I advise you to use STM32CubeMX to configure SD Card via SPI and generate your project. With him you can control sensors, SD card and much more. STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1. I uses STM32CubeMX to generate code with HAL and FATFS but I don't know how to initialize and then use my SD card. SD card has a native host interface apart from the SPI mode for communicating with master devices. Buttons & LEDs Keypad 4x4 Analog Joystick SD Card: SPI SD Card: SDIO SD Card: SDIO + DMA SD Card: SDMMC Buzzer (Active & Passive) STM32 Useful Guides STM32 Blue Pill Pinout STM32 Proteus Simulation STM32 Button Debouncing STM32 Boot Modes GPIO Registers Programming STM32 FPU Unit Enable Touch Sensing Without TSC STM32 FatFS + SD Card Example via SPI interface. 0 Custom Board Failed Generate Code in STM32 MCUs TouchGFX and GUI 2024 STM32 SDIO DMA Example. Contribute to walhi/Apple-2-FDD-emulator development by creating an account on GitHub. 今回はsdmmc機能を使用してsdカードにデータを書き込んでみました. Feb 24, 2020 · fpiSTM wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 10:45 am STM32SD library is for SD card slot connected to SDIO or SDMMC IP of the MCU. github. Example uses pin PA27 for chip select, and runs the SPI bus at 24 MHz once the SD card has been initialized: • stm32xxxx_flash_if. This is integrated in STM32 Cube Libraries. Contribute to innd/eziya-STM32_SPI_SDCARD development by creating an account on GitHub. store_____ The SDMMC subsystem interacts with the sd host controller api to communicate with attached SD cards. The problem is not the SD Card, but set the USB correctly. I have looked on the internet but have only found examples which are acces STM32F4 SD card example using SPI. In this demo, we have used the STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill board. Unfortunately, most examples, that serve communication with SD card, use SDIO rather than SPI because of communication speed problem. ) I am using STM32CubeIDE 1. txt đã được lưu Và một số chức năng xử lý file khác. Apr 8, 2019 · Can you make a text file on a PC with fopen, fwrite, fclose, etc? FATFS provides similar interfacing. Dec 11, 2020 · Find out more information: https://bit. Once again, thanks to everybody for the answers, they have been of great help anyway. 2. 1\Projects\STM324x9I_EVAL\Applications\FatFs\FatFs_uSD Apr 26, 2021 · Be aware of the SD card that you are using, I have also been using a 16GB card without success, only to later find out the card was corrupted. - PWrInSpace/STM32_SD_Library Mar 9, 2019 · You can use an interrupt for detect the insertion of the SD card and initialize it, for example, or make the code write data into the SD card only when it is inserted. com/video29 This example was created using Stm32f072 discovery kit + Waveshare SD card module In addition, I used Converter USB-UART with PL2303HX to read UART messages Connections Since the SPI2 is connected to ST MEMS motion senso ( One of the properties 32F072BDISCOVERY ) So I used SPI1 and defined SD_SPI_HANDLE to SPI1 Jan 3, 2013 · Posted on January 03, 2013 at 05:56 Hi, I have an STM32F4 discovery board and I want to access SD card via SPI. 24. I am using Olimexino-Stm32 (Stm32F103RBT6) with CAN BUS and SD Card. I need the example code for further development. eaag fpabe glyi cmackdl wace vseq sqzdnwtx jog jce fwqr faej ieayh wrmxhs fgvf rrnebg