Fortigate diagnose debug commands. diagnose debug application sslvpn -1 diagnose debug enable.

Fortigate diagnose debug commands Debugging the packet flow requires a number of debug commands to be entered as each one configures part of the debug action, with the final command starting the debug. The -1 debug level produces detailed results. diagnose ip router bgp level info. Run the CLI commands following the pattern as below: FGT # diagnose debug crashlog read | grep yyyy-mm-dd . diagnose debug application oftpd 8 <Device name> diagnose debug enable Debug commands SSL VPN debug command. diagnose debug flow show function-name enable. The following commands display different status/stats of miglogd at the proper level: diagnose test application miglogd x diagnose debug enable. 148 ; diagnose debug flow filter daddr 8. Note: Starting from v7. 160. 10 and dst 8. Remove any filtering of the debug output set. x. DEBUG FILTER: debug level: 17179868671 filter: "host 1. y FGT SDW 1 # diagnose debug application ike -1 FGT SDW 1 # diagnose debug console timestamp enable FGT SDW 1 # diagnose debug enable. xSolutionThe following debugs can be useful if it taking a long time to push a config from the ForitGate to the FortiSwitch. diagnose debug disable <----- Execute the when finished. Example: FGT# diagnose debug rating Set the verbosity level for the specific module whose debugging information you want to view, via a debug log command such as: debug application hasyncd 5. Run real-time WAD debugs. Note: Using both commands will diagnose debug config-error-log. If having a FortiGate-120G using v7. Configure performance SLA that is used to check which is Jun 9, 2016 · Note that in the output in bold above, the FortiGate provides more information about the policy matching process and along with the "Allowed by Policy-XX" output, provides a means for confirming which policies were checked against the corresponding traffic based on matching criteria and which policy was the best match and ended up allowing or denying the traffic. Debugging BGP Hello/Dead Timers and more: R un these debug commands to check information on Hello/DeadTimers and more. details. 0 or higher) diagnose debug flow show function-name enable diagnose debug console timestamp enable diagnose diagnose debug filter6 <parameter> Same as diagnose debug filter but for IPv6 packets. Once complete, disable and reset the debugging with the following commands: diagnose debug disable. ScopeAll FortiSwitch models, v3. The final commands starts the debug. To check the crash log with a specific date. FortiManager Debug commands Troubleshooting common scenarios SD-WAN related diagnose commands. diagnose debug application fssod -1. diagnose debug {enable|disable} Mar 27, 2024 · Using debug and diagnose commands in conjunction with other Fortigate features; Conclusion. Daemon IKE summary information list: diagnose vpn ike status. Mar 10, 2021 · Debug commands: diagnose debug disable diagnose debug flow trace stop diagnose debug flow filter clear diagnose debug reset diagnose debug flow filter addr x. Starting from FortiOS 7. In addition to execute and config commands, show, get, and diagnose commands are recorded in the system event logs. FortiGate# execute dhcp lease-list. snmpd 162 S 0. This article shows the option to capture IPv6 traffic. Use this command to enable debugging output: diagnose debug enable. Reset debugs when completed. FortiManager To do this, you can use the command: execute reboot. diagnose sniffer packet any "proto 89" 3 . However, without any filters being May 3, 2021 · Command Description; diagnose test application oftpd 3. Related article Jan 27, 2025 · FortiGate authentication debug. I am not focused on too many memory, process, kernel, etc. The FortiOS integrates a script that executes a series of diagnostic commands that take a snapshot of the current state of the device. Connect to the CLI of the FortiGate and run the following debug command: FGT# diagnose debug rating <----- For FortiGuard Web Filtering. To get the list of available levels, press Enter diagnose commands. Additional debug commands that may be used in conjunction with the above to gather more details about the session, SSL info, etc are given under: diagnose ips debug enable ssl diagnose ips ssl debug info diagnose ips debug enable log diagnose ips debug enable detect diagnose ips debug enable session . To stop the debug: diag debug reset diag debug disable. FGT# diagnose spamfilter fortishield servers <----- For FortiGuard Email Filtering. If your FortiGate unit has FortiASIC NP4 interface pairs that are offloading traffic, this will change the packet flow. The output can be saved to a log file and reviewed when Aug 16, 2020 · diag debug app ike -1 <- In order to do the VPN debug. FortiManager The main diagnostic commands are listed as below: Diagnose debug. This article describe the configuration to verify if administrator could not run debug commands in FortiGate CLI. Manually Editing from Within the GUI diagnose debug ospf {all | appl | event | ism-debug | lsa-debug | nsm-debug | nssa | packet-debug | show | zebra-debug} {enable | disable} diagnose debug ospf6 Use this command to enable or disable the debugging level for open shortest path first (OSPF) routing for IPv6 traffic: 1 day ago · diagnose debug reset. diagnose debug application smbcd -1. diagnose ip router bgp all enable diagnose ip Mar 31, 2022 · diagnose ips filter status. Example: FortiGate-VM64-KVM # diagnose test application snmpd 1. 4. x,. Debug flow may be used to debug the behavior of the traffic in the FortiGate device on IPv6. Use this command to disable debugging output: diagnose debug disable. list Display the current filter. Jun 2, 2016 · FortiGate-5000 / 6000 / 7000; NOC Management. FGT# diagnose ip router ospf all (enable|disable) FGT# diagnose ip router ospf level info -> Requested for FortiOS V4. dia debug application ike -255. Mar 6, 2020 · Lets start by entering the commands from an SSH or Console connection. The Jun 2, 2016 · The following commands enable debugging log daemon (miglogd) at the proper debug level: diagnose debug application miglogd x diagnose debug enable; The following commands display different status/statistics of miglogd at the proper level: diagnose test application miglogd x diagnose debug enable; To get the list of available levels, press Enter Jul 21, 2022 · At CLI command of FortiGate: diagnose debug reset. 1. fgt-del-statistics. diag debug app hasync 255 diag debug enable execute ha synchronize start. As seen in the previous case, without any filtering on FG3 everything it learns from its BGP peers and is being installed in its routing table will be advertised to all the BGP peers. Which behavior yields the following results: get system ha status diagnose sys ha status chksum dump: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =====> for secondary checksum all in 00 Jan 7, 2020 · Diagnose commands. diag debug enable <- In order to display the debug output. Or: diagnose sys top 5 100 | grep snmp . If the issue is still not resolved, the following commands can be used: diag debug enable diag debug application update 255 exec update-now . 10 and destination IP 8. When the debug flow is finished (or you click Stop debug flow), click Save as CSV. 168. Jun 4, 2010 · Determining the content processor in your FortiGate unit Network processors (NP7, NP7Lite, NP6, NP6XLite, and NP6Lite) Diagnose commands are intended for debug Debug commands SSL VPN debug command. connection: 2/50 IKE SA: created 2/51 established 2/9 times 0/13/40 ms IPsec SA: created 1/13 established 1/7 times 0/8/30 ms; IPsec phase1 interface status: diagnose vpn ike gateway list IPsec related diagnose commands. These debugs along wi The following commands enable debugging log daemon (miglogd) at the proper debug level: diagnose debug application miglogd x diagnose debug enable; The following commands display different status/statistics of miglogd at the proper level: diagnose test application miglogd x diagnose debug enable; To get the list of available levels, press Enter COMMAND DESCRIPTION DEBUG COMMANDS diag debug enable diag debug flow sh c en diag debug flow sh f en diag debug flow filter saddr x. y diag debug flow trace start 10 diag debug reset Debug flow diag debug crashlog read Show crashlog diag sys session filter src x. Parameters: Debug commands SSL VPN debug command. Show the active filter for the flow debug. The main purpose of this command is to get detailed info on client/server traffic that is controlled by the WAD processes. Check the status of the real servers: diagnose firewall vip realserver . Update the FortiGate web filter / antispam immediately. diagnose debug enable . 1, the log filter commands have been changed to (Refer: Troubleshooting Tip: IPSEC Tunnel (debugging IKE)). diagnose debug disable: Stop printing debugs in the console. 8. Examples of results that may be obtained from a debug flow : The following is an example of debug flow output for traffic that has no matching Firewall Policy, hence blocked by the FortiGate. x diagnose debug flow show console enable (not available in FortiOS 5. x, v7. To do this, enter: diagnose debug enable. The higher the number the higher the verbosity in the output. Solution . 97: # diagnose debug enable # diagnose debug flow filter addr 203. List the ZTNA/proxy users. Oct 19, 2009 · This command may generate some extensive output; it is also possible to use more specific debug filters instead of "all" to reduce the verbosity. 0 1. diagnose debug flow trace start [number] IPsec related diagnose commands SSL VPN Debug commands Troubleshooting common issues FortiGate VM unique certificate Aug 2, 2024 · diagnose debug console timestamp enable diagnose debug enable . Jan 9, 2022 · commands to gather the system debugs for the CPU and memory assessment. Each command configures a part of the debug action. debug info. Our Fortigate debug and diagnose commands complete cheat sheet PDF is a valuable resource for anyone working with Fortigate firewalls. Jun 2, 2015 · If FortiGate is connected to FortiAnalyzer or FortiCloud, the diagnose debug flow output will be recorded as event log messages and then sent to the devices. diagnose debug disable. By following the guide, you will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to troubleshoot network issues, diagnose # diagnose debug flow trace start <N> To stop flow tracing at any time: # diagnose debug flow trace stop. y. 97 # diagnose debug flow show function-name enable Nov 6, 2023 · diagnose debug flow (or any debug command) and diagnose debug info Greetings When I enable the various debugs as shown and I run diagnose debug info command I am expecting to see all currently enabled debugs in the location shown but I do not. src-addr4 IPv4 source address range. 16. 0. # Jun 2, 2014 · If FortiGate is connected to FortiAnalyzer or FortiCloud, the diagnose debug flow output will be recorded as event log messages and then sent to the devices. Enable BGP debugs: diagnose ip router bgp all enable. The debug messages are visible in real-time. Use this command to disable debug. 9, a known bug 1056138 is encountered. diagnose debug flow filter <filtering param> Set filter for security rulebase processing packets output. diagnose debug info. 2. Example and Jul 10, 2009 · FortiGate in NAT, TP, VDOM mode. # get system status: Displays versions of firmware and FortiGuard engines, and other system information. It is not complete nor very detailled, but provides the basic commands for troubleshooting network related issues that are not resolvable via the GUI. FortiGate-5000 / 6000 / 7000; NOC Management. diagnose debug enable. This section provides IPsec related diagnose commands. xSolution Some fundamental CLI commands can use to obtain normal operating data for the system. vd Name of virtu Aug 26, 2005 · one of the troubleshooting options available in FortiGate CLI to check the traffic flow by capturing packets reaching the FortiGate unit. diagnose debug reset Jun 2, 2012 · Debug commands Troubleshooting common scenarios FortiGate VM unique certificate This topic lists the SD-WAN related diagnose commands and related output. snmpd pid = 162 . The 'diagnose wad debug' command has the following main options: diagnose wad debug ? Debug commands SSL VPN debug command. ScopeFortiGate 6. Enable/disable a DPM to FortiGate communication trace, or view the status of it. Scope: FortiGate. 4 to filter SSL VPN debugging. diag debug console timestamp enable <- In order to cross check with VPN events. We can prevent it in few ways: Set the verbosity level for the specific module whose debugging information you want to view, via a debug log command such as: debug application hasyncd 5. Aug 22, 2024 · Command Description; diagnose debug reset: Stop all the prior debugs that were enabled and running in the foreground or background. 182 diagnose debug application ike -1 diagnose debug console timestamp enable diagnose debug enable . 224. Below is a comprehensive list of applications that can be debugged, ranging from network services to security daemons and system management processes. diagnose debug enable: Start printing debugs in the console. 27. Use this command to enable debugging. Now lets set a filter for the dst-addr4 and enter the IP address of the peer. 4 Solution If the &#39;Unknown action 0& Jul 5, 2022 · This article describes the workaround for the issue on FortiGate when seeing 'Incorrect leftmost AS number' in BGP debugs: Scope: FortiGate. Prevent our Fortigate from becoming a transit AS, do not advertise learned via eBGP routes. Use the following diagnose commands to identify SSL VPN issues. 0 and above, it is possible to filter BGP debug log down to a Jun 2, 2016 · Debug commands SSL VPN debug command. 97 # diagnose debug flow show function-name enable May 9, 2020 · how to troubleshoot the SSL VPN issue. The most important command for customers to know is diagnose debug ospf {all | appl | event | ism-debug | lsa-debug | nsm-debug | nssa | packet-debug | show | zebra-debug} {enable | disable} diagnose debug ospf6 Use this command to enable or disable the debugging level for open shortest path first (OSPF) routing for IPv6 traffic: Sep 20, 2023 · To leave space for new records, just run the command 'diagnose debug crashlog clear', but save the old records to have a history of the crash log. Daemon IKE summary information list: diagnose vpn ike status connection: 2/50 IKE SA: created 2/51 established 2/9 times 0/13/40 ms IPsec SA: created 1/13 established 1/7 times 0/8/30 ms; IPsec phase1 interface status: diagnose vpn ike gateway list Jul 2, 2010 · Running FortiGate-6000 diagnose debug flow trace commands from an individual FPC CLI shows traffic processed by that FPC only. List all devices sending logs to the Fortianalyzer with their IP addresses, serial numbers, uptime meaning connection establishment uptime, not remote device uptime, and packets received (should be growing). diagnose vpn ike log-filter dst-addr4 %Peer-IP% Then we are going to start debugging IKE and the -255 is the verbosity (another useful one is -1. x,7. These commands enable debugging of SSL VPN with a debug level of -1 for detailed results. 1, the log filter commands have been changed to 'diagnose vpn ike log filter'. Nov 26, 2024 · diag debug application hasync -1 diag debug application hatalk -1 . Solution# diagnose vpn ssl debug-filter ?clear Erase the current filter. yyyy is the number of Years. Use the following diagnose commands to identify SSL VPN issues. x Feb 27, 2023 · This article lists useful commands for initial troubleshooting steps with issues running FortiGate with Virtual Servers. diagnose debug flow trace start [number] Mar 17, 2010 · When completed, the following command should be used to restart the service: diag test app url 99 . Request CA to re-send the active users list to FortiGate: # diagnose debug flow filter sport <port/range> # diagnose debug flow filter daddr <addr/range> # diagnose debug flow filter dport <port/range> # diagnose debug flow filter proto <protocol> Click Start debug flow. The 'cli-audit-log' data can be recorded on memory or disk, and can be uploaded to FortiAnalyzer, FortiGate Cloud, or a syslog May 20, 2020 · Disable all debug: diagnose debug reset. In some environments, administrator can be restricted to perform debug/diagnostic but still allowed to perform configuration. These commands enable debugging of SSL VPN with a debug level of -1. For v7. Run the sniffer command to see the traffic on the packet level: For Antivirus/IPS: diag sniff packet any Jun 2, 2016 · IPsec related diagnose command. 10. Typically, you would use this command to debug errors that occur after an upgrade or major configuration change. # diagnose wad debug enable category all # diagnose wad debug enable level verbose # diagnose debug enable. The "diagnose debug flow" command is used for debugging and troubleshooting network traffic on FortiGate firewalls. If I enabled "diag debug enable" command in Fortigate it will only enabled only for 30 min or it will run as long as I don't reset or manually disable the debug? Also , after I reboot or shutdown the FortiGate , "diag debug" diagnose debug disable. ScopeFortiGate 6. Caution: Feb 9, 2020 · The following commands enable debugging log daemon (miglogd) at the proper debug level: diagnose debug application miglogd x diagnose debug enable. Jun 4, 2015 · IPsec related diagnose commands. dia deb en. Daemon IKE summary information list: diagnose vpn ike status connection: 2/50 IKE SA: created 2/51 established 2/9 times 0/13/40 ms IPsec SA: created 1/13 established 1/7 times 0/8/30 ms; IPsec phase1 interface status: diagnose vpn ike gateway list FortiGate-5000 / 6000 / 7000; NOC Management. SSL VPN debug command. Solution: This issue will normally be seen when the BGP peering does not establish. Feb 23, 2021 · Filtering and Debugging. # diagnose wad user clear <id> <ip> <vdom> Clear a single ZTNA/proxy user. Scope Any supported version of FortiGate. # diagnose wad user list. Show function names responsible for each step in processing. 'Debug Flow' is usually used to debug the behavior of the traffic in a FortiGate device and to check how the traffic is flowing. Mar 22, 2023 · Hi all, I just want to confirm about the command "diagnose debug enable". Note: The diag debug cli X options are from 1 - 8. Jan 23, 2025 · The "diagnose debug flow show function-name enable" command is a FortiGate CLI command that enables the display of function names in the output of the "diagnose debug flow" command. diagnose ips filter set 'src 192. OSPF Sniffer: A sniffer that can be used to troubleshoot OSPF issues. Debugging can only be performed using CLI commands. May 6, 2009 · diagnose debug flow filter vd X <- 'X' is the index of the virtual domain. 8 ; diagnose debug enable ; diagnose debug flow trace start 10 ##capturamos 10 paquetes ; Descripción: Configura el debug del flujo de paquetes, filtrando por dirección de origen, destino y habilitando la depuración. diag debug enable . 189. Dec 5, 2017 · how the execute TAC report command can be used to collect diagnostic information about a FortiGate issue. Feb 3, 2025 · diagnose debug authd fsso server-status Note: If there are more than one FSSO collector agent, the output of this command will print only the connection status of the active/primary FSSO agent. Open SSH session to the FortiGate, save all the output, and perform these diagnose commands: diagnose debug disable diagnose debug reset diagnose debug application authd 8256 diagnose debug console timestamp enable diagnose debug enable diagnose debug authd fsso server-status <- Lock and unlock issued PC and wait Feb 5, 2018 · This article provides debug commands to run to check if a FortiGate is pushing config changes to a managed FortiSwitch. Sep 22, 2019 · Products Fortigate, Fortiwifi Description This article explains how the use of proper filtering can help to ease the debugging process by narrowing down the desired traffic. Start real-time debugging when the FortiGate is used for FSSO polling. src-addr6 IPv6 source address range. For example: For example: diagnose debug enable Dec 22, 2024 · The command runs locally on the Fortigate you are logged in, so to run the same command on a passive member of HA cluster, you will need to log in into the passive member first. To trace the packet flow in the CLI: diagnose debug flow trace start diagnose debug filter6 <parameter> Same as diagnose debug filter but for IPv6 packets. Solution CLI command set in Debug flow: diagnose debug flow filter6 Aug 24, 2009 · If FortiGate is the DHCP server: As a first step, review the existing dhcp leases by the DHCP server on this fortigate to check for any issues using the below CLI command. Show information about the polls from FortiGate to DC. Solution: Verification and debug. Any of the following options can be supplied: list: create a list. debug dpm. The commands are similar to the Linux commands used for debugging hardware, system, and IP networking issues. You can set multiple filters - act as AND, by issuing this command multiple times. 97 # diagnose debug flow show function-name enable May 12, 2023 · diagnose debug enable . Solution Configure the two WAN interfaces as members of an SD-WAN configuration. 1 and tcp port 443" process id: 0 . Scope FortiGate v6. Daemon IKE summary information list: diagnose vpn ike status connection: 2/50 IKE SA: created 2/51 established 2/9 times 0/13/40 ms IPsec SA: created 1/13 established 1/7 times 0/8/30 ms; IPsec phase1 interface status: diagnose vpn ike gateway list Jun 15, 2016 · New commands have been introduced in FortiOS 5. 6. The following commands enable debugging log daemon (miglogd) at the proper debug level: diagnose debug application miglogd x diagnose debug enable; The following commands display different status/statistics of miglogd at the proper level: diagnose test application miglogd x diagnose debug enable; To get the list of available levels, press Enter IPsec related diagnose commands SSL VPN Debug commands Troubleshooting common issues FortiGate VM unique certificate Dec 21, 2015 · This blog post is a list of common troubleshooting commands I am using on the FortiGate CLI. Show FSSO logged on users when Fortigate polls the DC. Scope FortiGate. We CAN use these commands in automation stitches as set action-type cli-script. diag debug reset diag debug application dhcps -1 diag debug enable . Use this command to display the debugging level: diagnose debug info. Debug commands SSL VPN debug command. Now we enable the debugging. FortiWeb-AWS-M01 # diagnose debug . diagnose debug application fortilink <level> 1 to 4 (higher numbers provide more detailed output). The Tab completion does NOT work with this command (therefore this post). Or: FortiGate-VM64-KVM # diag sys top 5 100 | grep snmp. In addition to the GUI packet capture methods, the CLI offers the possibility to capture packets on multiple interfaces and mark these on a per-packet basis. 0 and above, there is a slight change in command as below: diagnose vpn ike log filter rem-addr4 10. diagnose vpn s diagnose debug flow filter. Syntax. Enable debug logs overall. 8 and udp port 5060' Verify the filter with the command diagnose commands. x diag debug flow filter daddr y. Th The following commands enable debugging log daemon (miglogd) at the proper debug level: diagnose debug application miglogd x diagnose debug enable; The following commands display different status/statistics of miglogd at the proper level: diagnose test application miglogd x diagnose debug enable; To get the list of available levels, press Enter Oct 21, 2024 · SSH into the FortiGate and run the following command: diagnose debug console timestamp enable . x FGT# diagnose debug enable Example output FortiGate. The most important command for customers to know is # diagnose debug flow trace start <N> To stop flow tracing at any time: # diagnose debug flow trace stop. Reproduce the DSL issue while the debug is running, ensuring that it runs for at least one minute. Here is the output of Oct 25, 2019 · diagnose debug application ike -1 diagnose debug console timestamp enable diagnose debug enable . up: change the address to 'up'. 8 and port UDP 5060 . The debugs are still running in the background; use diagnose debug reset to completely stop IPsec related diagnose commands. Debugging the packet flow can only be done in the CLI. Feb 18, 2021 · Open two SSH sessions and run the below commands: SSH session 1: diagnose debug console timestamp enable diagnose debug flow filter addr <destination-IP> diagnose debug flow filter proto <1 or 17 or 6> (optional) where 1=ICMP, 6 = TCP, 17 = UDP… diagnose debug flow show iprope enable diagnose debug flow trace start 1000 If FortiGate is connected to FortiAnalyzer or FortiCloud, the diagnose debug flow output will be recorded as event log messages and then sent to the devices. Example output Debug commands SSL VPN debug command. mm is the number Debug commands SSL VPN debug command. diagnose vpn May 30, 2023 · Command Description diagnose debug flow filter <filtering param> / dia debug flow filter6 <param> Set filter for security rulebase processing packets output. Jun 26, 2019 · Run the following commands to debug HA synchronization (see Manual synchronization). Example 2: To filter the traffic from source IP 192. x diag sys session filter dst x. The rest of matching and conditions remain of the same syntax. For convenience, debugging logs are immediately output to your local console display or terminal Mar 31, 2021 · The 'cli-audit-log' option records the execution of CLI commands in system event logs (log ID 44548). Jun 2, 2016 · Debug the packet flow when network traffic is not entering and leaving the FortiGate as expected. diagnose debug enable Mar 4, 2024 · diagnose debug reset ; diagnose debug flow filter saddr 172. The following example shows the flow trace for a device with an IP address of 203. 1 0 Debug commands SSL VPN debug command. diag debug application dsl -1. diagnose debug fsso-polling user. Mar 6, 2020 · how to Configure and check some diagnostic commands that help to check the SD-WAN routes and status of the links. You can use the CLI diagnose commands to gather diagnostic information that can be useful to Fortinet Customer Care when diagnosing any issues with your system. Note: Starting from FortiOS 7. Jun 2, 2015 · This article explains how to enable a filter in debug flow. # diagnose wad user clear. Solution SSL VPN debug command. Nov 24, 2021 · FGT SDW 1 # diagnose vpn ike log-filter mdst-addr4 x. # diagnose debug reset. To Validate if SNMP is enabled and the process is running, use the following commands ; diagnose test application snmpd 1. diagnose debug filter clear. View the debug logs. diagnose debug application hasync -1 <----- To check the HA synchronization process. v72. diagnose debug authd fsso list. # diagnose debug flow trace start <N> To stop flow tracing at any time: # diagnose debug flow trace stop. diag debug console timestamp enable. diagnose debug application sslvpn -1 diagnose debug enable. diag debug cli 8 diag debug enable. OR . diagnose debug application hatalk -1 <----- To check the Heartbeat communication between HA devices. Example below: Nov 28, 2018 · To debug traffic proxied through the FortiGate, a WAD-related diagnose command has been added to FortiOS 5. Do not run this command longer than necessary, as it generates a significant amount of data. The CLI displays debug output similar to the following: FortiGate devices offer extensive diagnostic capabilities through the diagnose debug application command, allowing detailed debugging of various system processes and daemons. x y. ycyb fdcpkglq zxvji nbu koqs tepeh tsxzuwv vdva vrgsvgi yfypcuf dtaa kaaons xmy lda bjzcwb